In this month of pink hearts and chocolate we want to thank you parents for entrusting your children to our care.
The act of being truly present with ourselves and with the children creates awareness of what is happening in this moment, with loving and open attention.
As often happens in our days, we can get caught up in the busy-ness of multitasking and completing checklists. Doing this can keep us thinking in the future or dwelling on the past. In true presence we are are in only one place, the present.
One small way that we each help one another and the children to be present is to become aware of the breath. Just reminding each other to be aware of breath can make such a difference toward being present.
We are committed to child and youth protection and to that end we have had training through the Plan to Protect group.
We want to take this time to wish you warmth from the sun and from the hugs of your wonderful children.
With care,
Kate, Wendy, Mary, Kathryn, Deb and Anamaria