Tuesday, 26 June 2012

The concert was a wonderful event for us all

Thank you everyone for entrusting your children to our care.

It was delightful seeing them on stage wasn't it?

Thanks to Doug for all his care and attention to the filming (and often the hours of editing to make a great DVD!)

Thanks also to Sean (Kai's dad) who worked with a friend to create the wonderful music for The Lollipop Tree.  We were in a tizzy because we couldn't find anything on the web that worked for the children and he was quick to create a wonderful version for us.

When it was clear that the children needed some support with the song our good friend Annette Coffin sang the song for us to practice with.

It's so great when we all come together like this right down to the clearing up at the end of the evening.

Thank you for your kind words and the gifts.

We love working with the children and can't wait to add those family photos to the current photo book.  Let us know if you want to order one.



Friday, 8 June 2012

Ecology Workshop by SFU

The children had a wonderful time at an Ecology presentation by SFU Science Alive.  Mary brought a few children to the SelfDesign Learning Centre on 4th Avenue where I held a presentation for some school age learners.  It was delightful to see our little ones moving so confidently in a space with children ages 5/6/7.  At first they were tentative but they participated well and a couple of them also played the ecology movement game outside on the grass.  They are shown here completing the survey about the session and were very able to give descriptive feedback.  It was great also to have the connection with outside communities.